Calvin seems to be growing and learning something new every day. The pictures above I took this evening before bathtime. Cal decided he wanted to practice getting up and down from sitting. He's been able to get up for the past few couple of weeks, but before tonight getting down involved pretty much just falling. I think that what started the practice session was Cal's desire to suck on his big toes, and it evolved from that point. He's a funny guy.
This past month we had a visit from Grandma Shafer, who gave Calvin his first haircut! He looks much better with all of those shaggy bits gone.
Calvin survived his first ear infection as well as his first rash. He loves all pastas, strawberries, avocados, oranges, oatmeal raisin cookies, grilled cheese sandwiches, and pretty much anything new, including Mexican food. A couple things he's not too fond of: pears, tomatoes, and baby food. I'm hoping all of these new foods have stuck to his ribs enough to satisfy the doctor. He feels heavier to me! It seems like all Calvin ever wants to do is play- everything becomes a game to him, and he involves you whether you want to play or not. It makes things interesting, especially when I'm trying to change his diaper or getting him dressed, but mostly it's just fun.
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