Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Good Baby

Calvin continues to amaze me- he is such a good baby! This is a picture I took yesterday- I set him down for a couple of minutes so I could do something on the computer, and he promptly fell asleep. He's a great sleeper (he sleeps at least 6 hours during the first stretch) at night, and takes several short catnaps throughout the day. He cries only about once a day, usually right after his bath when he's cold and tired, but it lasts maybe two minutes at most. I make sure to thank him everyday for being so good, and encourage him to keep it up!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

6 Weeks

We've made it six weeks- yay! Calvin loves giving Mommy big open-mouthed smiles, and he'll sleep pretty much anywhere, as long as he can have his hands up by his face.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Cal's been a bit fussy lately, so one night he decided that the only place he would fall asleep is on Daddy's chest. He looks like a little monkey to me.

Monday, June 13, 2011

One Month!

Eric participated in the yearly line rodeo a couple of weekends ago, and on Friday passed his exam to become a lineman. We're very excited and relieved.

Calvin made it to his one month birthday- YAY! He decided to be silly for his picture.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


This is my first ever attempt at blogging- I hope it's successful. This is especially for Jenny, who keeps on me about setting it up.
Here's a quick background: Eric and I met in autumn of 2009, got married in the summer of 2010, bought a new home in January of 2011, and welcomed baby Calvin four weeks ago today. It has been a busy couple of years.
The photo above is Eric giving Cal his second bath- he just soaps him up and dunks him under the kitchen faucet. Whether in the bathtub or under the faucet, Cal loves the water.