Wednesday, November 16, 2011

6 Months

Happy six months to Calvin, my happy boy. I can't believe we've already made it half a year, all of us still alive, and not knowing what we're doing.
As you can see by the blurs, Cal is always moving. Even when the rest of him is still, his feet will be moving in circles or rubbing against one another. He is starting to learn how to give kisses, smile for the camera, and roll to where he wants to go. He loves looking at Mitch (our dog), and loves it even more when Mitch licks him.
Cal likes to chew on the leaves he picks from the trees when we go on a walk, suck/munch on any of his fingers or toes, and he goes berserk for paper- the program at church, junk mail, etc. His tooth is taking its sweet time coming in- it's still just a speck. Eric was sporting some facial hair when he was home this past weekend, and Calvin couldn't get enough of it- all he wanted to do was touch his daddy's face.
My efforts of getting Calvin to eat more has paid off! He has gone from the 3rd percentile for weight to the...6th! He weighs in at 14 pounds 12 ounces, and he's almost 27 inches long (61st percentile). I will continue to stuff him with food and see where we land in 3 months.
Happy 1/2 year birthday Calvin!

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