Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer in California

Calvin and I spent a fun couple of weeks in California this summer.  He absolutely loved the beach- the waves, sand, and water.  He even tried to crawl straight into the ocean.

Aunt Jenny Was nice enough to pack peanut butter and jelly sandwiches- Cal's first!  Hence the messy face.

We also went to the Oakland Zoo.  We saw lots animals and got to ride the train and carousel.

Calvin liked the carousel so much he cried when it was over, so Grandma took him on again with Jenny and William.

Hooray for cousins! 

Rough housing with Grandpa.  The rougher the better as far as Cal is concerned.

Watching baseball with Grandpa.

The swing.  The higher he goes the more he laughs.

Playing with water in the backyard.  He would have stayed out there forever, but after a few bowl refills I was done.

We were able to see Eric a couple times as well.  Here he's trying to teach Calvin how to lick frosting from a beater.

Some other developments/likes of Calvin's:  Loves to eat broccoli, strawberries, chocolate, and humus.  Walks holding onto my fingers.  Thinks the couch and my bed are the best play places ever since he can bounce and fall and play without getting hurt.  Climbs straight up the back of the couch.  Gives kisses.  Gives fives.  Says no no no.  Waves and says night night.  Does the action for all gone.  Still loves the vaccuum, and even learned how to turn Grandma Shafer's on.  Has a mighty temper, especially if you tell him no or try to change his diaper.  Can do simple shape puzzles.  Loves to initiate peek-a-boo with a blanket.  Curent favorite toys are big Legos and anything with wheels.  It's been so much fun to see how he changes and learns every single day.